dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba dubba cha sex trip

 Your Hate Turnip, that's a very provincial joke that only a ceratain few afficianados will appreciate, but I digest, my lunch, god what a douche' I am, today I was meant to do an interview yesterday 30 years into the future 10 years ago but I bloody just missed my godamned alarm, i knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep at all as the sun was poking it's ugly head through the window when I thought 'just a cat nap' then I also took a half a mogadon to help me drift off and then Boooooom, it was on, messages from Bonnie ( wait, that sounds like a song or a book title- 'messages from bonnie' ) and missed calls and me up and scambling to ring and texts and chaos, and the worst part was i missed it yesterday, but i rang in and i had rung a day early so there was that little clusterfuck of embarrasment to deal with and then todays shamozzle, what is a shamozzle, sound like a self liquidating car wipe, '' new from ACME the shamozzle - your stuck with no water and a dirty car, never mind you have the shamozzle--- available at kmart and selected stores - limited stock limited to how many of these gimicky danoz direct pieces of shite we can sell.
      But anyway, the moral of the story is this, go to bed early, get up early, eat well, ummnnn all that stuff and you wont end up in a jam, maybe inanother condoment, hopefully marmalade, see ya Andrew