people are hard

dealing with people is hard, and dealing with people in a group is even harder. bands are hard work. no matter how bands might try to portray themselves, whether theyr'e portrayed as a bonded up cohesive clique or a brawling bunch of miscreants constantly fighting, the truth is a band is a lot of hard hard hard work. i'm so exhausted that i can't even be bothered with punctuation, but let me say that trying to motivate four egos and get them to move in a foward direction towards the most benificial logical conclusion is tiring. you try to lead people and get them to do what they need to do, they don't, then they get defensive. aside from writing music there's so much more to do, advertising, organising, interviews, banking, promotion, rehearsals etc etc etc and when one flank is down it just means more work for some one else and that some one else in this band is me, shits me to fucking tears, i'm over whingeing to the nether regions, i'm going to have a god damned smoke,,,,,,,,,,,,,suck my balls