Thanks to the excellent extras in our clip

 We are making a clip atm, and we are under pressure to get it finished, it's been fun but it's been a lot of work. Last thursday night we got some great footage when three really cool chicks voluteered their time and effort. I gotta say the acting was sensational and it's really made the clip shine, how they did it i'll never know because i'm not an actors bootlace but the role they had to play was challenging, they nailed it, I can't wait for it to be out, thanks girls.
      Wer'e trying to book a gig in bordertown on sat 23rd june to make the most of our trip to melbs where wer'e going to play revolver, we'll get in and chill friday night and then gig sat nite as wer'e getting played a lot on radio in that region, our single madboy is i should say to be more specific. Don't worry about my grammer and punctuation as i'm not. 
      O.k i'm gunna crash, we were up till 4 every night this week wading through hour of footage, i'm clusterfucked, see you soon, andrew