Paul Slater - It’s Always Rock and Roll - I’ll Be Okay - Three D Radio 93.7 FM 

Damn it, I just missed getting a video of our tune playing on Paul Slaters show, it’s not as easy as it sounds, number one I never ask any D’j around Australia when they’re going to be spinning us. I just tend to listen to shows that play music that I like and that music is similar to the music the band puts out. So the videos I have of us being played around Australia come from me always having a radio on either in the background or in my ears and then when I’m lucky I’ll catch the song and if I’m on…

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Four Course Breakfast - Harold Mickelwhite Three D Radio 

Hey compadres, our Latin surf rock pulp fiction inspired song got a spin on Four Course Breakfast yesterday, as many of you know I have always got Australian radio shows on in the car, in the earphones and everywhere and this is why I often catch the band’s material, unfortunately I was driving and the jacks were a lane away and I didn’t fancy the demerit points! But it’s the first time I’ve heard this track in the car, it was a damn shame I couldn’t video it blaring through the speakers of the new truck…

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Southern FM 88.3 Petey top songs played on the station  

Hey there my people, Petey off our 2009 EP No Not Nick has featured in the most played songs on Southern FM in the last 7 days in a great set that has Lachy Doley and the Vanns among many other talented bands. This means a great deal to a band like ours. We set out with the goal of putting out good music that we like, ignoring as much as humanly possible any trends and just keep going on our own journey. Whether the music hit straight away or got caught down the track didn’t ever matter to us. We have never…

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The Music Director Show - Petar Tolich - Southern FM 88.3 

Hey Folks, 

                    We’re proud to be getting a spin in this jam packed full of Australian new releases set list that’s right on the coal face of new music that’s out right now! Hosted by DJ Petar Tolich on Southern Fm at 4 o’clock this Tuesday, it’s going to spin Sunday on my mind “ off our new release, as you can see from the set list it’s also got the new Hard Ons, Holy Holy and a stack more great bands, tune in if your local or grab the listener app and check out what’s going on in music this…

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On The Blower - Tony Biggs 2/6/23 - Lavender Marriage  

Hey Up, After hotfooting over the border in 91 Tony has been spinning discs at 3RRR on his show On The Blower and we’ve been fortunate enough to have had his show as a platform for all of our releases, Hands Off My Paper being the latest off Lavender Marriage, for Tony’s sanity and mine, long live On The Blower !!!