Tammy - DJ Wendy Brooke - 3KND 1503 AM  

Hi guys, our latest offering Lavender Marriage has managed to make inroads into a lot of new territory, namely certain parts of the massive market that is the United States. What you’d get an ARIA for in Australia wouldn’t get you a mention in the You - S of A but what it means for bands like us is the ability to sell our physical products and put it towards the next release.

Baltimore Train did well and sold enough to keep us functioning as a profitable business but for a couple of reasons, the new album hit harder and we doubled sales of BT in 5 weeks as well as selling out Lavender Marriage.

     One reason would be the quick follow up to 2022’s album and the capitalisation on the new inroads, the second was Australian DJ’s , particularly Southern FM giving some strong support to not only the new album, but also unearthing older tracks such as “ Petey “ off No Not Nick which was worth a lot to us ; but the undeniable fact that’s kept us going for this long are our regular people who have supported us for over a decade, and to those who follow us closely, Wendy Brook is not an unfamiliar person to you. Which brings me to the point that we had Tammy spun today on her show, she’s been doing a lot of extra work at the studio of late, filling in on various shows.

     Anyhow guys, that’s the mail and thanks for all your emails and your feedback, support and suggestions, 

    Cheers Andrew 

Southern FM 88.3 - Petey is No 1  

The power of radio! Petey is now our most popular song being downloaded more than our new record this week. This is what artists all create for, knowing that something you create will be viewed and enjoyed by another person. Very gratifying indeed, also keeps you motivated to keep Creating , 

Thanks to you all and keep your emails coming, I read everything and I’ll continue to write back and post out the physical copies for those of you who like that form,

SouthernFM 88.3 - Petey 

Hey my friends, 

                             Petey off No Not Nick has come in at number 1 on the most played songs in the last 7 days on Southern Fm!!! How’s that for a rush of blood! I was wondering why it’d been up there in the stats on this site as a top listened to song alongside Lavender Marriage and I know why now, the airplay across Melbourne has directed people here, that’s also where the top visited area comes from in the last 7 days, we are very stoked.

Sunday Sounds - Fleurieu FM 89.3 - 94.7 - Lavender Marriage 

Hey my people, today I’m giving a big thanks to Sunday Sounds on Fleurieu FM who played Lavender Marriage in it’s entirety on Sunday! That’s a massive compliment and an endorsement of the highest order for a band, musician and artist and it’s something that really makes a band not only proud but also inspired and motivated to keep making music. 
      We’re extremely grateful to the station for its support of our recent album in 2022 , Baltimore Train and the support of Lavender Marriage. As you’ll remember, we have had a few posts on our pages from the public who’ve heard our music and some of you have bought our physical product which is great on two levels, one being that having people buy our music and knowing they’re going about their life and we’re in their headphones and ears is why we do it and two, all the proceeds go into helping us pay for the next one, which is why we we’re able to do Lavender Marriage so quickly after Baltimore Train. We’re able to use Don Bartley to master the album, record at top level studios and cover the costs of pressing, distribution and production. 
    I’ve got to give a big shout out to the Programs, Fabulous Friday, Rock it Friday, Bum Nuts and Gum Butts, Friday Mornings, The Sound Bar, and the SeaBreeze Sessions all who have given us a spin in their sets, I may have missed a show but I’ll find out more later and pay it forward, 

        A big thanks to everyone at Fleurieu FM 89.3 - 94.7


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